Can You Become Financially Free in 12 Months WITHOUT Stress or Uncertainty?

Hint: Discover the secrets to mastering WEALTH CREATION and living life on your own terms - from the comfort of your home!


Are You Trapped in the Endless Cycle of Home Based Business Frustrations?

You know you need to expand your network and increase your sales, but you're stuck, overwhelmed by the fear of rejection and unsure where to begin. The traditional methods of marketing are wearing you down, leaving you more frustrated than fulfilled.

It's a vicious cycle: you need to expand your team and increase sales to succeed, but the traditional tactics are leaving you drained and discouraged. You know there has to be a better way to build your business—one that doesn't involve these outdated, soul-sucking strategies.

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • Running Out of Contacts: You've exhausted your list of potential contacts, and it feels like you're always speaking to the wrong people, those who are uninterested or quick to say no.
  • Lack of Qualified Leads: You manage to find people, but they're not the right fit. They either lack the drive to succeed, or they're just not as committed as you need them to be.
  • The Dread of Cold Calling: The thought of picking up the phone fills you with anxiety. You're tired of the constant rejection and the deepening sense of doubt with each call.
  • Struggling With What to Say: Even when you do get on a call, the words don't come right. You fumble through presentations, unsure how to effectively communicate the true value of your business.
  • Stagnation and Lack of Growth: You feel stuck in your current strategies, unsure how to innovate or where to turn for fresh, effective methods to rejuvenate your business.

Imagine a Day in Your New Digital Marketing Reality...

Can you imagine waking up each morning to notifications of new team members who are as excited and motivated as you are?

Picture this:

  • No More Cold Calls: Instead of dreading those relentless cold calls, you have people reaching out to you, interested and ready to engage. Your phone is now a tool for welcoming new team members, not a source of anxiety.
  • Qualified Leads Coming to You: Imagine a world where you no longer chase after leads. With the strategies you'll learn, you attract the right people—those who are eager to grow and thrive in your network.
  • Confident Conversations: Gone are the days of fumbling for the right words. You communicate your business's value with clarity and confidence, knowing exactly what to say and when to say it.
  • A Thriving Digital Network: Visualize your network growing without geographic boundaries, leveraging digital tools to connect, engage, and expand. Your business operates around the clock, across continents, without you having to be present at all times.
  • Financial and Personal Growth: See yourself achieving not just your financial goals but also growing personally. Each successful recruit and sale boosts your confidence and skills, propelling you further than you ever thought possible.


Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation

Embark on a Transformative Journey to Financial Freedom

Dive into "Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation: A Journey Through Mind Power and Marketing," an immersive 12-module online course that redefines the very essence of wealth. 

This isn't just about growing richer—it's about enriching your life on every level. 

Break free from the shackles of financial uncertainty and step into a realm where your income is a direct reflection of your inner development and strategic prowess. 

Experience the seismic shift from pursuing wealth to attracting it, as you master the art of turning your annual income into your monthly earning. Join us, and elevate your existence in ways you never imagined possible.


Make a pivotal decision to transform your life today!

"Throughout my career and with the benefit of the Wealth Creation Mastermind, I've had the privilege of guiding over fifty individuals to secure monthly incomes exceeding $50,000,. and thousands more to consistently earn over $5,000. Transitioning from the traditional, face-to-face approach to embracing the dynamic world of digital marketing has revolutionized not only my career but also the financial lives of those I mentor.

This isn't just about financial gain—it's a transformational lifestyle shift. Joining the Wealth Creation Mastermind and enrolling in this cutting-edge course isn’t merely an option; it's indispensable for anyone committed to mastering the art of home-based, digital marketing businesses. The mentorship and success coaching offered here will not only uplift your business but will fundamentally transform your approach to life. Don’t miss out on this game-changing opportunity—your path to success begins here."

~ Alan Keranen, Industry Titan, Coach, Mentor and "Recreational Specialist".

Module 1: Introduction to The Wealth Creation Mastermind

Course Introduction, Objectives & Overview. Setting the stage for your transformational journey.

Module 2: Unlocking the Power of the Mind

Dive deep into the mechanics of the mind to harness your true potential.

Module 3: Mastering the Law of Attraction

Learn to attract what you envision for your life, shaping reality through thought.

Module 4: The Art of Digital Marketing

Strategies to excel in network marketing, transforming your financial future.

Module 5: Creating Multiple Streams of Passive Income

Methods to build and manage various income streams for lasting wealth.

Module 6: Affiliate Marketing Opportunity

Leverage cutting-edge strategies in affiliate marketing for exponential growth.

Module 7: Leveraging ChatGPT in Marketing

Employ AI technologies to revolutionize your marketing efforts and productivity.

Module 8: Action Planning and Goal Setting

Detailed frameworks to set, pursue, and achieve your business and personal goals.

Module 9: Overcoming Challenges

Techniques to overcome entrepreneurial challenges using the power of words.

Module 10: Practical Application

Real-world applications to put theory into practice, enhancing learning through action.

Module 11: Building a Personal Brand

Strategies to craft a personal brand that resonates with your audience and amplifies your mission.

Module 12: Financial Freedom

Techniques to cultivate a mindset and habits that foster wealth and freedom.

PLUS Get Immediate Access to Affiliate Program

Instant Earning Potential – Start earning from the get-go with our generous affiliate program, offering 40-50% commissions.

PLUS Weekly Live Coaching Sessions

Interactive Webinars – Engage in live, interactive sessions twice weekly to clarify your techniques and refine your strategies.

PLUS Community Support

Wealth Creation Mastermind Community – Join an engaged and supportive community of like-minded individuals, sharing strategies and growing together.

AND Get One-Year Access and Updates

Enjoy one-year access to all course materials, community, and live coaching sessions, with encouragement to renew annually to maintain access and receive ongoing updates and support.

Stop Dreaming, Start Earning!

Launch your dream income machine with "Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation." Get instant access and unlock a proven system to generate sustainable income and the freedom to live life on your own terms.

By enrolling in "Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation," you'll gain the tools and knowledge to not only change your financial destiny but also to impact your personal and professional life in profound ways.

By the end of this course, you will be able to craft a lifestyle that aligns with your financial goals and personal values, turning what was once just a dream into your daily reality.


You'll learn how to harness the power of your mind so that you can attract prosperity and opportunities effortlessly. This isn’t just about learning the concepts; it's about making them a part of your daily life to see real change.
You'll understand how to effectively use affiliate and network marketing strategies so that you can generate a sustainable income without the need for aggressive sales tactics. Instead of chasing prospects, you'll attract them.
You'll master the art of digital presence and content creation so that you can establish a commanding online identity that draws in the right audience—people who are actively seeking what you have to offer.
You'll be equipped to launch your own affiliate marketing campaigns with our pre-built system so that you can start earning substantial commissions ranging from 40% to 50% almost immediately, providing both immediate and residual income.
You'll connect with a like-minded community so that you can grow together, sharing insights and successes, and supporting each other in your journeys to financial independence.
You'll develop the confidence and skills necessary to navigate the digital economy so that no technological advancement or market shift can disrupt your path to success.

What Makes "Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation" Different?

Yes, there are countless courses that promise to teach you about wealth creation and network marketing. But "Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation" stands apart for a very compelling reason: it's not just an educational journey—it's a direct pathway to earning potential.

If you're looking for more than just learning—if you're ready to earn and grow simultaneously—then you've found your haven in "Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation."


Meet John Rogers, Your Wealth Creation Mentor!

27 years ago, I stood on the precipice of a life-changing decision, embarking on a journey into the world of network marketing—a path that meant reaching out to countless strangers about a business in an industry I was just beginning to understand. Like many of you, I faced the daunting prospect of stepping outside my comfort zone and into a realm where every conversation was a leap of faith.

At 74 years young, my career has been as diverse as it has been rewarding. I've thrived in diverse fields - from igniting young minds as a teacher to commercial banking to stockbroking to tackling environmental challenges as CEO of a recycling center. 

Since 1997, my focus has shifted to network marketing, where I achieved the highest rank of Blue Diamond and was honored as the Associate of the Year in 2015 with Univera. These accolades, however, pale in comparison to the joy I find in mentoring others.

"Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation" was born from this passion. I saw a gap in how network marketing leveraged technology and a growing frustration with the status quo. Here, we don't just chase financial success; we create it through empowered thinking and strategic action.

Traditionally, network marketers have operated much like hunters, seeking out prospects one at a time—a method that is not only exhausting but also inefficient. I'm focused on transforming network marketers from hunters into farmers who plant seeds through the internet, cultivating relationships, and harvesting success.

Consider the fisherman who uses a single pole and bait, hoping for a catch. Now compare that to a commercial fisherman who casts a wide net, capturing a vast school of fish with less effort and greater yield. This course is designed to equip you with the net—a set of tools and strategies that leverage AI and digital marketing to draw in a pool of interested prospects to you, rather than chasing them one at a time.

In this course & community you'll learn not just to fish more effectively but to cultivate an empire in the digital world; how to harness the capabilities of cutting-edge technologies, ensuring your marketing efforts are as expansive and efficient as possible. Here, you're not just learning to improve your tactics; you're redesigning the very landscape of your business field.

By embracing these tools and methodologies, you will transition from traditional methods to a modern, more productive model of network marketing that aligns with today's digital and interconnected world.  As your mentor, I'm here to guide you through each step, ensuring that your journey is filled with learning, growth, and, most importantly, tangible results.  

Frequently Asked Questions About "Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation"

Here are some of the most common questions we get asked by prospective students, along with our straightforward answers to help you make an informed decision:

Deciding if "Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation: A Journey Through Mind Power and Marketing" aligns with your goals is crucial. We want to ensure that this course not only meets your expectations but truly resonates with your aspirations and current situation. This isn't about convincing you to join; it's about ensuring it's the right step forward for you.

"Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation" is perfect for you if:

  • You’re an Aspiring or Seasoned Entrepreneur Seeking Transformation: If you're ready to shift from traditional, one-at-a-time outreach strategies to a more expansive, efficient digital approach using AI and cutting-edge technologies, this course is for you.
  • You Value Education Over Quick Fixes: This course is designed for those who understand that genuine wealth creation is about more than just financial gain—it’s about personal development and mastering innovative tools for business.
  • You’re Looking for a Community of Like-minded Individuals: Joining this course means entering a community where collaboration and mutual support are the backbones of success. If you thrive in collaborative environments and are eager to share and grow with others, you’ll find a strong network here.
  • You're Tired of Traditional Network Marketing Approaches: If you've been discouraged by the standard tactics of network marketing and are looking for a method that utilizes attraction and content marketing to bring prospects to you, then this course offers a refreshing alternative.
  • You Believe in the Power of Leveraging Cutting-edge Technology: Embrace AI tools like ChatGPT and others that make digital marketing not just possible but also highly productive. If you're excited about integrating these tools into your growth strategy, this course will guide you step by step.

However, this course might not be the right fit if:

  • You Prefer Conventional Sales Tactics Over Digital Innovation: If you are not open to using digital tools and technologies or prefer traditional face-to-face sales methods exclusively, this course may not align with your preferred methods.
  • You’re Looking for a Get-rich-quick Scheme: This course is about building sustainable, long-term wealth creation strategies, not overnight successes. It requires commitment and the willingness to learn and apply new concepts.
  • You Are Not Ready to Invest Time into Learning and Applying New Strategies: Success in this course demands dedication to learning and the application of the principles and techniques discussed. If you're not ready to commit the time needed, this might not be the best investment for you at this moment.

"Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation" uniquely combines the latest in digital marketing strategies with timeless wealth-building principles. Unlike other courses that focus solely on theory or basic tactics, we provide you with actionable strategies that integrate cutting-edge AI technology and community support, ensuring that you are equipped not just to learn but to succeed in the digital age.

Absolutely! This course is designed to take you from beginner to expert by providing detailed step-by-step instructions, comprehensive support, and access to a community that helps each other grow. Whether you're just starting or looking to upgrade your skills, this course caters to all levels of experience.

We recommend setting aside 3-5 hours per week to go through the course materials and apply what you've learned. However, because you have access for a full year, you can pace your learning to match your personal schedule.

Yes, once you enroll in the course, you gain immediate access to our affiliate marketing program. This program is designed to help you start earning by promoting the course itself, with commissions ranging from 40-50%. It's an excellent way to practice your new skills in real-time while generating income.

We're confident in the value this course offers, but if for any reason you're not satisfied, we offer a 7-day money-back guarantee. Simply reach out to us within the first 7 days, and we'll refund your investment, no questions asked.

While individual coaching isn't a standard part of the course, you will have access to our twice-weekly live training sessions where you can ask questions and get personalized advice. Additionally, our community forum is an excellent resource for getting support not only from the course instructors but also from your peers.

We continuously update our course materials to reflect the latest trends and technologies in digital marketing and network marketing. This ensures that you're always learning the most current and effective strategies.

Yes! One of the biggest benefits of "Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation" is access to our exclusive online community. This vibrant group of entrepreneurs supports each other’s growth, shares insights, and collaborates on projects.

If you have any other questions or need further clarification, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help you make the best decision for your personal and financial growth!


This isn't just about building income; it's about enjoying the journey and sharing laughs along the way.

Being part of the Wealth Creation Mastermind has injected a fun and deeply rewarding aspect into my approach to wealth and personal growth. Under John's guidance, this isn't just about building income; it's about enjoying the journey and sharing laughs along the way. The strategies and insights I've gained here have transformed my professional endeavors into an adventure I look forward to every day. It’s about mixing passion with play, and that’s why I thrive here. If you’re looking to not only succeed but to enjoy every step, this is where you need to be.

~ Chris Pilgrim, Executive and Owner of Peak Benefits, Avid Athlete, and Network Marketing Leader


It’s not just about business growth; it’s about fostering meaningful, life-changing interactions.

Being part of the Wealth Creation Mastermind under John’s mentorship has been nothing short of transformative. As someone who naturally cares deeply about the well-being and success of others, this program has equipped me with the tools to extend that care in powerful, practical ways. The curriculum opened my eyes to identifying individuals who share a burning desire for growth, allowing me to tailor my approach to truly connect with their hearts and aspirations. It’s not just about business growth; it’s about fostering meaningful, life-changing interactions. For anyone looking to profoundly impact their own life and the lives of others, I wholeheartedly recommend diving into this community and curriculum. It’s more than an education; it’s a doorway to achieving extraordinary things together. Thank you, John, for not just sharing your knowledge but for demonstrating how to live it.

~ Megan Myers, Real Estate Agent, Aspiring Network Marketing Professional, Former Teacher


An invaluable part of my journey.

My involvement with the Wealth Creation Mastermind, led by John Rogers, has been an invaluable part of my journey, not only as a wealth manager but as a mentor to the next generation. Through John’s leadership and the mastermind's teachings, I’ve found powerful ways to pass on a legacy of smart, principled wealth building. This course isn’t just about financial success; it’s about empowering young minds to think differently about their future and the impact they can have. It’s a privilege to guide others using these principles, creating ripples that will extend far beyond our own lifetimes. Joining this community has been one of my most fulfilling decisions, professionally and personally.

~ Bryan Baum, Sr. Wealth Manager, Community Leader, and Network Marketing Veteran


The camaraderie and the spirit of this group have given me a sense of purpose and belonging.

I’m not one for computers or any of that tech stuff—I guess you could call me a bit of a digital dinosaur. But when life threw me its worst, losing my dear wife, it was the Wealth Creation Mastermind that helped pull me through. Joining John’s community wasn't about getting rich quick; it was about finding a group of folks who care, who listen, and who support each other through thick and thin. I might not understand every lesson on digital marketing or AI, but I do know this: the camaraderie and the spirit of this group have given me a sense of purpose and belonging that’s hard to find elsewhere. If you’re like me, more used to a handshake than a tweet, and you’re facing your own tough times or just looking for a genuine community, then give this Mastermind a shot. It’s straightforward, no frills, and real—just what I needed. Thanks, John, for making a place even an old timer like me can fit in.

~ Dick Kerle, Mastermind Community Member, Digital Dinosaur

Don’t WAIT to build the life you deserve.

Are you ready to leave behind conventional strategies and embrace a world where your financial growth is supported by the most innovative tools and a vibrant community? If you've ever dreamed of mastering the art of wealth creation and building a sustainable network marketing business, now is the time to take that step.

When you consider everything included in "Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation: A Journey Through Mind Power and Marketing," the value is truly unparalleled. 

From the comprehensive 12-module course filled with transformative content, live coaching sessions, a vibrant community, to instant access to a lucrative affiliate program, it's an investment in not just education but in a future of financial independence.

This course, with all its features and benefits, is easily valued at $1,000. However, we believe in making this transformative journey accessible and providing tremendous value to those ready to change their lives. Thus, we're not offering this course at its full price.

Get instant access to "Mastering the Art of Wealth Creation" today for only:

12 monthly payments of $41.25, making it easy to budget and manage OR a one-time payment of $396, giving you a full year of access with a savings of 20%. This one-time investment ensures you are fully equipped to embark on your journey towards wealth creation without the worry of monthly payments.

SAVE $99

One payment of


12 monthly payments of


You’re protected by our 7-Day Money-Back Guarantee. If, within 7 days of purchase, you feel that the course isn't the right fit for your journey towards financial freedom, simply reach out to us. We will provide a full, hassle-free refund.